Alberta Sustainability Planning Initiative (ASPI)

The Planning in Alberta Task Force met in Red Deer December 9th to define steps to be taken to have the Provincial Government acknowledge members of APPI as key resources and significant partners in its promotion of sustainable development in Alberta. The intent is to present a new perspective about planning and the role it can play in addressing current provincial issues. In so doing the task force is focusing on:

* Rebuilding provincial recognition for planning expertise, resources and support for municipalities and rural areas;
* Encouraging a re-examination of regional planning models and clarification of the provincial planning direction;
* Integration of various approaches into a comprehensive planning framework that promotes sustainable development.

The timeline for action is relatively short. Any legislative and policy changes would ideally be enacted before the end of this government’s term (on or before May 2019).

An immediate result of the meeting was to brand the task force to better articulate its focus – advocating for sustainability through comprehensive planning. The name is now  Alberta Sustainability Planning Initiative (ASPI). ASPI is comprised of planners from the municipal, provincial and consulting sectors serving in a volunteer advisory role for APPI.

APPI’s defined Strategic Objectives include: advancing the planning profession, improving the APPI Credibility and brand, strengthening relationships with employers and governments, increasing a competent member base, strengthening advocacy and foraging and leveraging strategic partnerships.   To assist in achieving these strategic objectives, APPI created the Alberta Sustainability Planning Initiative (ASPI) co-chaired by Gary Willson RPP and Ronald Morrison RPP.

Key Messages click here.

For more information on the purpose of the task force and this advocacy initiative click here for the Charter and here for the Promoting Planning: Time for Action ppt.
