Registered Professional Planner
A RPP member is a professional practicing planner who has met all the membership requirements for education and responsible professional planning experience. Registered Professional Planners have Right to Title and legally use the RPP after the Member's name in Alberta. All RPP members must first apply as candidate members because APPI has the exclusive authority to grant RPP professional designation.
A candidate member is a practicing planner who is in the process of meeting the criteria by obtaining validated responsible professional planning work experience to become a Registered Professional Planner. The Professional Standards Board (PSB) is responsible for administering the certification process to acquire the Registered Professional Planner (RPP) designation. Visit The Road to RPP for more information.
This category is for Candidate members or RPP members of a PTIA, other than APPI, who would like to practice in the APPI jurisdiction as a regulated member and for fully certified members, with the right to use the title RPP, in relation to their practice. You may submit an application for APPI Non-Resident membership and email your home PTIA with a request for them to forward a complete copy of your member record to APPI in support of your Non-Resident membership application. In most cases, Non-Resident applications are fully processed and approved within five business days or less, and Non-Resident applicants are invoiced for their applicable APPI fees upon confirmation of acceptance. Non-Resident Application Form
APPI no longer restricts APPI student membership to only those registered in a recognized planning program. APPI Student membership is a non-corporate and non-regulated class of membership with the Institute and therefore, APPI student members are not subject to the rights and responsibilities set out in the APPI Bylaws and the Professional Planner Regulation. Student Application Form
Becoming an APPI Subscriber is an excellent opportunity for individuals to get connected with the profession and the Institute.
1. This includes individuals who have a career in planning or are intend to pursue a career in planning, but are not currently eligible to apply for a Candidate membership assessment via the Professional Standards Board (PSB) because their either:
- Hold a degree from an accredited planning program, but who are not currently employed in planning.
- Are employed in planning but who do not hold an accredited planning degree, and are not yet eligible to pursue a Candidate membership assessment via the Professional Standards Board (PSB) and the Prior Learning Assessment Recognition (PLAR) route.
The PLAR route offers those with a non-accredited degree who are employed in professional planning to acquire the competencies for the planning profession via professional experience.
For more information visit: Prior Learning Assessment Recognition (PLAR) - Professional Standards Board (
2. Do not have a degree, but are employed in the professional planning realm, and are therefore ineligible for Candidate and/or regulated member status, or have an interest in planning, and want to connect with the profession and the Institute. Subscriber Application
Transfers and Changing Member Status
If you are an existing member of another Provincial and Territorial Institutes and Associations (PTIA) and would like to transfer your membership, or need to change your member status, please visit Members> Changing Member Status and Transfers.