Professional Liability

Alberta Professional Planners Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) Coverage Information

BMS Canada Risk Services Ltd (BMS) is the Institute’s exclusive insurance broker for all regulated members' Professional Liability Insurance (PLI). Partnering with BMS supports APPI’s ongoing strategy of providing comprehensive and cost-effective liability coverage to our regulated members.

In addition to PLI, APPI members have access to Commercial General Liability (CGL), Legal Entity PLI, Property/Content/Crime Coverage, Cyber Security and Privacy Liability, Employment Practices Liability (EPL), Legal Services Package, and more.

To request your personalized PLI certificate, please email the APPI Office.

Learn more about PLI and additional coverage options here. APPI Coverage Brochure 2025

Legal Advice for APPI Members

Do you have legal questions related to your professional liability? Get answers by calling the pro bono legal services hotline available to all members participating in APPI’s Errors & Omissions (Professional Liability) Insurance Program.

Learn more about about the pro bono legal services offered through the APPI Insurance Program here. APPI Claim Response Brochure 2024-2025

Extended Reporting Period for Retired and Non-Practicing Members

Are you retiring or discontinuing practice? The APPI Errors & Omissions (Professional Liability) policy automatically provides 10 years of extended reporting at no charge for professional liability claims that are first discovered and filed after you have retired and/or discontinued practice.


BMS has provided resources that can help members better understand their coverage and the services available through their PLI and additional offerings programs. These materials provide a high-level overview of insurance options, key coverage details, and claim support.

What Coverage Do I Need? – A summary of available insurance solutions and recommendations for different needs.
Comparison Chart / FAQs – Highlights key elements of coverage and addresses common questions.
Claim Response – Explains the claims process and how members can access legal assistance.

Are You Covered? How Errors & Omissions (Professional Liability) Insurance Protects You Webinar. This session provides valuable insights into the importance of PLI coverage for Candidates, RPPs, LPPs, Urbanists, and equivalent professionals.

Contact BMS

APPI participating members will also benefit from additional practice risk resources, continued educational support and exceptional customer service.

If you have any questions about the liability protection available, please contact BMS at 1-844-294-2714 or via email: [email protected].

For more information about your Insurance Broker, BMS, and Insurance Regulatory Principles of Conduct click here: Regulation | BMS (

This content is provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute broker advice. Please speak with a broker at BMS if you have any questions about your insurance coverage or your specific insurance needs.