Roles of Employers & Members

Mentors Required - RPP Members

All Candidate members seeking certified Registered Professional Planners (RPP) status are required to participate in a mentorship program for a minimum of one year, to support the responsible professional planning experience (sponsorship) requirement.

The role of the Mentor is to provide key collegial advice, assistance, and guidance to a Candidate member as they undertake their practical work experience requirement. Beyond this, both the Mentor and the Candidate member should benefit from the collegial nature of the mentorship through the exchange of ideas, sharing of experiences, and development of new perspectives.

To be eligible to be a Mentor you must be a certified RPP Members in good standing, and have been such for at least three years. For more information on being a Mentor please visit . Time committed to being a Mentor is eligible to be logged as Structured Learning for the purposes of the APPI Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) program. If you are interested in volunteering in this capacity please contact the APPI office. 

Benefits for the Member Mentor and Employer

  • Keeps you engaged with individuals in the profession and larger business community.
  • Access to new ideas.
  • Enables you to support and foster the next generation, leaving your legacy.
  • Contributes to the mentors own personal and professional growth.
  • Provides a professional distinction as someone who can serve as an example and role model for others in planning.
  • RPP Members are fulfilling their obligation under the Code of Professional Practice Conduct to: contribute to the professional education, mentoring, and development of planning students, Members and other colleagues

Benefits for the Candidate and Student Members

  • Set goals to discover what you want to learn about the different career paths within the profession.
  • Reach goals faster providing a consistent structure of support and offering innovative strategies.
  • Help to foster significant changes in areas such as business, career, and quality of life.
  • Progress professionally using career advancement strategies, reputation-building methods, and business development tactics.
  • Develop a basis of knowledge for making better decisions.
  • Opportunity to collaborate with experienced colleagues.