The Municipal Government Act


When Alberta Municipal Affairs identified Alberta Professional Planning Institute (APPI) as a formal stakeholder for input on the Municipal Government Act (MGA) Amendments, APPI responded by conducting a comprehensive, thoughtful review of the MGA and the practical implications any changes will have on provincial planning and development.  The MGA Task Force of APPI volunteer members, led a thorough assessment of Part 17 of the MGA based on our membership s comments over the past year.  Following an extensive process of membership engagement, research, and analysis, a report was produced entitled "Substantive and Administrative Issues" reviews process, approach, findings, and recommendations for amendments to the MGA.  The report primarily dealt with Part 17.
As part of the ongoing MGA Review process, all MGA related regulations were reviewed to support a modernized MGA and to ensure alignment with the amendments approved by the legislature in 2015 and 2016. That review has resulted in the creation of new regulations and resulted in updates to a number of existing regulations.  Municipal Affairs is sharing drafts of the reviewed regulations with all Albertans so they can see the proposed changes and how the approved MGA amendments will be implemented. To date, two groupings of draft regulations have been posted for review and comment, one in January 2017 and July 2017.  The APPI MGA Task Force has conducted a review and produced formal comments on behalf of APPI on both of the draft regulation groupings.    

APPI MGA Review Task Force Report (April 2014) – click here
APPI MGA Regulations Group One – Public Participation and Policy Regulation (March 2017) – click here
APPI MGA Regulations Group Two - Policy Regulation and City Charter (September 2017) – click here

APPI Municipal Government Act (MGA) Task Force Members

Frank Liszczak RPP, MCIP - Chair
Jeff Greene RPP, MCIP
Tammy Henry RPP. MCIP
Kelly Learned RPP, MCIP

If you would like additional information about the Alberta Government’s MGA review, please visit their website at

