Regulated Professional Planner Member Roster

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
First Name Last Name Sort descending Organization Membership Type
Jodie Wacko Cantiro RPP
Andrea Wadsworth City of Edmonton Candidate
Anil Walji ARA Concepts RPP
Craig Walker City of St. Albert RPP
Asia Walker City Of Calgary RPP
Erin Wallace Sobeys Inc. RPP
Jim Walters Crosby Hanna & Associates RPP Non Resident
Yuping Wang City Of Calgary RPP
Zilong Wang Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo RPP
Jennifer Wardle Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo RPP
Amanda-Brea Watson Dillon Consulting Limited RPP
Gareth Webster City Of Calgary RPP
Carley Weeks Municipal Planning Services (2009) Ltd. Candidate
Imai Welch City of Edmonton RPP
Riley Welden Town of Canmore RPP
Anlin Wen City of Edmonton RPP
Christine Wenman PlanIt North RPP
Patrick Wetter B&A RPP
Sarah Whalen City Of Calgary Candidate
David White CivicWorks RPP
Charlsey White City of Yellowknife RPP
Kyle Whitfield University of Alberta RPP
Chelsea Whitty DIALOG RPP
Robert Whyte City Of Calgary RPP
Peter Whyte City of Edmonton Candidate
Brittany Wickham Neoen RPP
Janna Widmer Strathcona County RPP
Charlene Wilcock City of Calgary RPP
Brett Williamson Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo RPP
Gary Willson GW Associates Planning Consultants RPP
Sarah Wilmot City of Edmonton RPP
Morgan Wilson City of Edmonton Candidate
Sara Wilson City Of Calgary RPP
Hailey Winder Town of Coaldale RPP
Kristen Wishlow City Of Calgary RPP